I have worked for nuclear abolition since 1981 when I was part of the Bethlehem Peace Pilgrimage, a 6700-mile walk across the U.S. and nine other countries. Beginning in 1984, I have researched the operational history of the Hanford plutonium factory and advocated for the two million Hanford downwinders. I identify as a Nevada downwinder and was exposed as a child to iodine-131 fallout in central Montana.
I am writing a memoir ("Atomic Pilgrim") about the Bethlehem Peace Pilgrimage and my Hanford involvement. I also volunteer with the Disarmament Working Group of Pax Christi USA. I continue to advocate on behalf of all downwinders of the nuclear weapons production and testing complex. I continue to conduct research into the U.S. government's extensive deception about radiation releases, exposure pathways, and health effects.
When I worked with the Hanford Education Action League (HEAL) in Spokane, HEAL succeeded in shutting down plutonium production and processing. I also had a significant role in obtaining public access to thousands of declassified documents concerning huge radiation releases from Hanford operations (1944-1990).
What I offer most is the understanding of the multiple ways that U.S. nuclear weapons development, production (including uranium mining), and testing have exposed people throughout the world. My definition of downwinder is inclusive. We need to understand our need for collaboration with the millions of downwinders across the country, the Marshallese, and the hibakusha of Japan. We must unite to advocate for the elimination of all nuclear weapons as well as just compensation and treatment for all downwinders.