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Arms Control Association



Kathy Crandall Robinson

(202) 463-8270 ext. 101/ (202) 577-9875

Washington, DC


Arms Control Association


The Arms Control Association, founded in 1971, is a national nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to promoting public understanding of and support for effective arms control policies. Through its public education and media programs and its magazine, Arms Control Today, we provide policymakers, the press and the interested public with authoritative information, analysis and commentary on arms control proposals, negotiations and agreements, and related national security issues. 

In addition to the regular press briefings the Arms Control Association (ACA) holds on major arms control developments, the staff provides commentary and analysis on a broad spectrum of issues for journalists and scholars both in the United States and abroad. ACA analysis and activities include focus on issues related to the production, development and testing of nuclear weapons, with particular leadership on ending nuclear weapons test explosions and supporting the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. See our special Project for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty –






  • ACA’s Annual Meeting, typically in the spring, brings together journalists, U.S. and international officials, experts and policymakers to discuss key arms control issues. We would like our experts and participants to include individuals from frontline communities.(The 2020 Annual Meeting will be on April 24.) 

  • Annually ACA conducts an Arms Control Person of the Year contest. Nominations chosen by the Arms Control Association are voted on by ACA members, professionals in the field, supporters of the nominees, and the general public. In past years, up to 2,500 individuals from more than 90 countries have voted for the Arms Control Person of the Year Award. Past Arms Control Person of the Year Awardees have included Tony de Brum and the government of the Marshall Islands (2016), and Setsuko Thurlow and the Hibakusha of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (2017). In 2019 Tina Cordova of Tularosa Basin Downwinders was a nominee. 

  • Arms Control Today is our magazine covers news and developments related to nuclear weapons testing and production. 

  • ACA also provide resources including fact sheets, treaty texts, issue briefs, and reports and issue specific newsletters. 

  • ACA staff experts are available to speak at events and briefings and also ACA often looks for experts for briefings at events that we host. 

  • ACA would particularly like to have interns with understanding and experience in frontline communities.


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