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About Us

Justice for nuclear harms

Nuclear Voices seeks to share information about nuclear frontline communities, and foster collaboration between various nuclear frontline communities, as well as with those who work on federal nuclear policy and arms control. The directory shares the work of groups and individuals seeking justice for the many harms caused by nuclear weapons production and testing, highlighting current projects and opportunities for collaboration.

Who are nuclear frontline communities?

Those who are most directly impacted and harmed by nuclear weapons, especially through weapons production, testing, and waste clean-up/storage. They generally have faced, and often continue to face, the highest levels of exposure to radiation and other toxins, and will suffer disproportionate health, environmental, and cultural harms.



This project was made possible in part by generous funding from the Ploughshares Fund, as well as significant support from LABRATS


We would like to thank Laura Skelton, for her support and guidance in the earliest days of this project, as well as Lauren Dempsey and the LABRATS team for web design and content support.


Finally, we would like to thank the many frontline community members and groups that were generous with their time, support, and stories, and who inspire our work. 

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